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Why Do I Need To Keep A Personal Injury Journal?


A personal injury journal helps you keep track of the non-monetary damages that an injury can cause.

Personal injuries are very common. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 2.7 million employer-reported workplace injuries in 2020. This doesn’t count the injuries that weren’t reported or those that happened outside of the workplace.

Here’s what you need to know about journaling for personal injuries.

What Should I Write In My Personal Injury Journal?

Your personal injury journal is there to log all of the non-monetary impacts an injury has on your life. You can consider this a way of keeping track of all of the ways that your injury is making life more difficult that aren’t directly translated into financial losses.

You should start by keeping track of the basics. Every doctor’s appointment, treatment, and adverse side effects should be logged in your personal injury during all no matter how small they are.

You should also make it a habit to regularly log your physical and mental state throughout the day. Try writing that information down once at noon and then once again before you go to bed to get started.

Also keep track of the subtle ways an injury changes your life. This could involve you not being able to enjoy a hobby that you enjoyed before your injury or other effects of the injury like having to hire an assistant or housekeeper.

How Often Should I Make Personal Injury Journal Entries?

You should be writing in your personal injury journal every day. Try to write something down even if nothing noteworthy happens throughout the course of your day. Build your journal into your daily schedule in order to ensure that you have enough time to take some notes about how the day went.

How To Journal About Non-Monetary Losses?

The purpose of your journal is to catalog the non-monetary losses you’ve experienced as the result of an injury. There are other ways to catalog financial losses such as being laid off from work and medical bills. Your Journal is there to catch everything that doesn’t have its own receipt.

Your legal team might also get statements from colleagues and loved ones to help get a better picture of the non monetary losses you’ve experienced. However, your personal injury Journal is going to be one of the best resources you have when it comes to cataloging these types of losses.

Contact A Professional Personal Injury Lawyer

The legal experts at Mortlock Law Group are here to help you through your personal injury. They can help you get compensation for the monetary, and non-monetary, losses you’ve experienced as the result of an injury.

Get in touch today to learn more.

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